Last week was a bit difficult. We had a few night awakenings, rough days at school, and even harder ABA sessions. I was feeling the gloominess that comes when we face regression. After his record week at school the week prior, it is hard to go from purple days to picking up a crying child at 3 PM.
have to say i was impressed with his handwriting! |
Thursday was a full moon, and that by far was our hardest day. He actually hit his classroom teacher (he has NEVER done that before) and yelled at two friends. He also had a little cough, and two children were sent home from class with fevers and sore throats/headaches. I made him write "sorry" notes when he got home from school, which he wasn't happy about, but he had to have a consequence.

This weekend, though, Hunter started to wake with a smile on his face. He didn't search for the ipad or Halloween candy like he did every school day that week. We slowly saw him coming back to us.
Today, I was greeted by his classroom teacher who said, "Hunter? Do you have something you want to show mom?" He pulled out his folder and showed me his PURPLE (the best) day! He had a great Monday and Tuesday as well, even with schedule changes for assemblies and other events. He even stood in the doorway for the Veteran's Day Assembly, amidst a bustling, loud hallway of children.
He is back.
So I have two "granola" theories. First, the full moon. One of my Autism mom friends posted a picture that said, "Full moons are Awesome! Said no Autism mom ever." Every time there is a full moon, Hunter is off the wall. Doesn't sleep. Cranky. Non-compliant. According to some biomedical sites, they say that parasites are active when there is a full moon and for some reason (probably because of their immune systems) kids with Autism tend to have parasites. Hunter had a parasite that we treated a couple of years ago. I probably should have him tested again.
evil candy |
Second granola theory: Halloween candy. He ate more artificial crap than he ever has in the span of three days. If you have ever dieted before, or reduced caffeine, or sugar, you know the die off stage is SO hard. You're cranky, you're tired, you want to kill your significant other (totally kidding- but when I detoxed from sugar it was BAD). Hunter had an abundance of things that didn't work with his system (actually had bad diarrhea Halloween night), and we had to clear his body from the junk.
Third theory: His cough and the illness in the classroom. His body creates antibodies even when he isn't actively sick, so if he is around illness, his system starts to kick into high gear (kind of the way vaccinations work- w
hen a person receives a vaccine, the body reacts by making protective substances called "antibodies". The antibodies are the body's defenders because they help to kill off the germs that enter the body. In other words, vaccines expose people safely to germs, so that they can become protected from a disease but not come down with the disease(NY Department of Health website).
Our ABA therapists have taught us to look at all the variables when behavior changes- and this last week was significant. His teachers at school were concerned as well, as now they have really gotten to know him and can "read" his moods. We did nothing different that week. Peter was in town. Bedtimes were consistent- even on weekends. No new programming with his therapy. I can only attribute it to the granola side of my brain and the medical side on the other.
Whatever the case, he is having an absolutely fabulous week, and it has again reaffirmed how much his healing affects our lives. I am light, carefree, and happy this week- last week, it was hard to crack a smile. Oh, and I have time to blog. :)
Here are a few pictures of the last couple of weeks:
ninjas all the time- even in jammies |
bright eyes- even with chocolate on his lips |
friday night Planes Fire and Rescue, pizza, and pjs |
A sweet lady from my parent's church sent this blanket she made to Hunter- haven't even met her! |
And now, pictures from this week...running to get in the car to school...
smiles all around
love these eyes! |
Paige's "hunter" face |
Things Hunter is Thankful for- good thing he has his priorities straight- Jesus, Ethan, family, Ms. H, Ms. M, and the ipad. ha! |
Wearing a SECOND pair of pants to school! People- this is huge. I have gotten three pairs of pants on this kid this winter season!! And his PURPLE day today!
And then Paige's soccer team- she scored multiple goals Sat (4), Sunday (3), and Monday (3) in the tournament- and scored the game tieing goal right at the whistle for their final game! So exciting! May or may have not pulled a back muscle from jumping and cheering.
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