This weekend flew by- several fun activities for the kids. Saturday we went to the pool in the morning, where our little fish loved to jump and become a "platypus" in the water. Later that afternoon, we had a party for Paige's Indian Princess Tribe. Such a fun group of people and lots of children- a water slide, pool time, grilling out- and Hunter did exceptionally well. He became upset a few times when the other children got a little too close to him on the water slide, but otherwise his behavior was great. Today we had our NICU friends over with their daughter who was Paige's roomie during their stay. Hunter interacted with her and asked several unprompted questions. At the end of the day, he invited her to build a lego Cars vehicle with her. I was smiling so big- I didn't have to arrange the setting. He did it on his own! He is making so much progress this summer.
He has been a little silly this week- but I love it. He seems to understand the humor of situations now- here is one example. For some reason I just crack up at this video from Saturday.
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