After the haircut, we ventured over the mall. All the kids did so well. Hunter walked with us in and out of stores and loved the Best Buy mobile store- smartphones and tablets/ipads galore!
I had to grab a picture of the two besties on the glass elevator.
After the mall, we went to our fave restaurant, Jason's Deli. Love their healthy food and kid friendly atmosphere! And of course, again, the free ice cream. Peyton even got to try a cone this time- ha!
The next day we spent time at the pool again. Hunter has become such a great swimmer- he even was doing flips under the water with daddy! He jumps in constantly, swims under the water (no "big arms" yet), and kicks his legs on the side of the pool. So fun to see him love a sport! Paige has the best time playing in the pool with Hunter. Private swim lessons start in a couple weeks- can't wait to see them develop!
Hunter loves to dress up in his Superwhy costume. This weekend, he was stretching up to the ceiling, squinting his eyes, clenched jaw...he was "trying to get bigger." Ha! He had to put superwhy on after to feel big.
The kids developed little sniffles this weekend after a long week of fun and running around. We made some green smoothies to combat the germies...
Paige making the smoothies |
Our "recipe": KALE leaves (you cannot taste it- trust me- super yummy way to get your greens!), strawberries, blueberries (the smart brain fruit), bananas, yogurt (Cascade Fresh vanilla flavor has low sugar grams per serving); sometimes we add the flaxseed for a boost of omega-3's.
Instead of the over-the-counter, we prefer the Farmer's market. :)
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