an AWESOME week!

Thursday, Paige and her sweet friend decided to have an art show to raise money for the children's hospital....all their own idea! We went to the dollar store and found several prizes...we had decided to bring them up to the infusion center where Hunter gets his IVIG.
Hunter found the ONE Mcqueen car in the store, and even after seeing multiple items with McQueen on them, he settled on the two I told him he could get. In the days past, we would have had a full out fit on the floor in an attempt to leave with all of the McQueen items.
shopping at the dollar store!
Paige's box for the money collection.
taking an inventory of all of their donations |
Love these sweet girls! |
Hunter's teacher was out of school last Thursday and Friday, as well as a few days this week. On Friday when I picked him up, his assistant teacher said, "We could not get over what an amazing day Hunter had today!" She said the substitute, who knows Hunter from working at the school, was so impressed with his participation and his behavior. Yay! We also had a busy weekend, full of activities. Hunter's swim instructor told me Saturday morning that his conversation was so good- she had never had him talk with her as much. They also weren't allowed to jump off the diving board until the end of the session, and there were no complaints.
Later that morning, I told the boys they could not play electronics until after we watched Paige's first two innings of her softball game. Complied? Check. Let me cheer without hitting me? Check. Watched the game? Check. Still in disbelief?? Check.
Paige's soccer team had her end of the year party at their coach's house that afternoon. Peter was in a golf tournament all day, so I wasn't too excited about taking all three to a swim party. Even though Paige and Hunter are swimmers, it is a little nerve rattling to watch three little ones in a pool. They all proved me wrong- everyone swam for two hours straight, and Hunter even jumped off the diving board in a cannonball- first time. He had seen one of the dads do it, and followed suit. Awesome!
Hunter's Cannonball
Paige's Trophy
We then went to eat at our favorite gluten free pizza joint and I didn't have ONE challenging behavior. Parenting made easy!
All of his ABA session last week went well- little defiance and a whole lotta compliance. ;)
We meet with Dr. G, neuroimmunologist, on Friday afternoon. Time to finalize the appointment prep- my list of questions has continued to grow! Keep us in your prayers this week!
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