crazy may

We are half-way through this month and I have no idea where it went!  Well, actually, it went something like this...
Hunter has been doing great, for the most part.  We have had a little aggression resurface, and if IVIG is working the way it should, I think I should expect to see a little regression when he is due for a treatment.  After Dr. G recommended three more continuous months, it was go-time to get the paperwork submitted for another round of IVIG.  We are now approaching three weeks post the time he should have received another infusion.  I have made several calls to insurance, as well as our doctor, and all requests have been made and now we just patiently wait. 
It's hard to sit and not be able to schedule his IVIG without someone giving us the OK.  The Neuroimmunologist saw the change and made the decision to continue treatment...but unfortunately, we have to jump through a few hoops to get there.
I never read my horoscope- actually, I never even read the paper.  For some reason, we had a local paper and I opened to the horoscope: "For the next month with Venus in Aries, it's easier to save money.  Review the budget.  Earn a bonus."
Hopefully the bonus comes in the name of IVIG...I did win a free pair of $175 running shoes last weekend from our local running store when I entered my name in a drawing-but I would trade those in in a heartbeat for an affirmative decision from the insurance!  Kind of funny, but that same weekend I saved $12.50 in coupons, found a way to decrease our cell phone bill, and received a couple of rebates.  Come on, IVIG!  Follow suit!
With May being as crazy as it has been, it is a little easier to take my mind off of the decision process.  Can't say I still don't check my email multiple times a day. :(  Here are a few pictures from our recent distractions:

fun new park by the farmer's market

mother's day gifts- love, love, love my kids' treasures!

dentist time!  didn't go as well as I'd hoped, but made it through a dreaded cleaning!
 Such a fun, yet serious, intimidating experience.  Loved playing with sweet friends!
yes, all  of our kids bellied up to the bar at 9PM, for their lemonade nightcap.

softball game- two almost home runners!
warm days- pool time!!
 With summer break about to arrive, I realized I needed to get Peyton out to do some fun things with just mommy- how I cherish time alone with this sweet boy!  And he had a blast!!


This is Hunter's last week of preschool.  He graduates (sob sob) on Wednesday morning- praying he will make it through the celebration.  Hoping an approval call will make this week even sweeter.


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