Good-bye full moon. GOOD RIDDANCE!
OK, so I don't have any scientific proof that our regression week was directly related to the size of the moon, but I swear up and down every full moon results in poor behavior with Hunter. Once that moon started to shrink, so did Hunter's non-compliance.
We had an amazing week. It started with the arrival of grandparents! Can it get any better than that?? The kids asked every day of the week- do Grandma Sue and Grandpa Don arrive today? When Friday finally came, the kids could hardly contain themselves. A week of fun days ahead!
We did so many fun activities during their visit; basketball games, Daddy/Daughter (Grandpa/Granddaughter) dance, Grandpa's birthday celebration, swim lessons, family and friend visits, date nights, family meals, and parties, parties, and more parties.
Here's a catch-up in pictures from last week:
Morning reading with Grandpa |
Daddy/Daughter Dance
Aunt Kathy and Grandma Sue |

two handsome dudes |
Grandpa and Paige at the dance |
Student of the Week!
Everyday he had something special- pictures on the board, teacher helper, etc. |
My PANDA hat made by Grandma Sue! Now I am a true PANDAS mama bear!
Grandpa's Birthday!
Getting Valentines- and writing out those to classmates
Hunter did these in school on his own- one to Paige, and one to me! |
Peyton's Class Party
Making his lovebug picture |
this kiddo sang every song! |
Taking home all the treat bags
Arranged flowers for the teachers
Paige's Poetry Celebration and Class Party
Peyton found some fun class books |
I attempted the heart braid in her hair |
Even Peyton found a classmate at her party! |
Hunter's Class Party
This was his SELF-PORTRAIT!!! How do you like that rainbow over his head? ;) |
Making heart ornaments with his friends- and he independently gave them to Grandma and Grandpa! |
Peyton wanted a picture with this pretty lady ;) Praying he gets her when he goes to Kinder! |
They all had frozen yogurt treats- at first he said, "I don't like frozen yogurt!" But he actually TRIED it and said, "Mommy, I didn't know I liked frozen yogurt but it is GOOD!" |
Hunter's list of things he loves. Just look at that handwriting! |
Love, Love, Love |
Then, the best part of the party. Hunter went on the carpet with all of his friends when his teacher called them, and sang not one, not two, but THREE songs with his friends.
On the carpet.
With the class.
Front and center.
As we were getting ready to leave, he grabbed my hand and said, "Mommy, I want a picture with Ms. H!" We both looked at each other in disbelief and I grabbed that camera as quick as I could!
Grandma Sue and Paiger decorated the walkway for the occasion...
And then gave Peter and I the night off and as we celebrated a fun Valentine's overnight, they took
the kids to Barnes and Noble the next day to find a Valentine's day gift.
Tripplehorns, party of two? We might not have been on the reservation list
but after a convincing "we're so much fun you want us here" speech we were in! :) |
So after a fun week of LOVE and memories, we are feeling rejuvenated, happy, joyous, content, and yet again, thankful for family, friends, teachers, and each other.
Had to share one more moment of pure LOVE and joy. Hunter's PE aide sent this video to our special ed teacher and it makes me smile so big my cheeks hurt when I watch it.
Y'all, this is my child with Autism.
He is dancing in PE...
with everyone else...
to Justin freaking Bieber.
Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
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