birthday party success
We found his party room and set up the Lightning Mcqueen theme (surprise there, right?). He waited patiently for some of his friends to arrive, and then ran around the arcade with them. One of his little best buddies from the district program arrived, with his other best buddy JP, and they were off. Several of his classmates came in, and we even heard Hunter introduce one of them to his district friend.
Introducing Ian to his friend |
The kids were invited to get their faces painted, make balloon animals, and play until the pizza was ready. We all piled into the party room and over 20 kids, plus parents, joined in on the fun. Not one outburst from Hunter. I actually started to wonder if Peter had given him earplugs or invisible headphones, b/c he was handling the situation so well.
It was time for cake...I asked Hunter if we could sing to him, and he replied, "Yes!"
So... for the first time in three years, we sang happy birthday. Peter and I both had to hold back the tears as this sweet boy smiled and blew out his candle.
devouring the cupcakes |
His 2 year old party was the first time we saw an issue with the noise (7 months post-initial infection). He cried throughout his entire song and I remember standing there, baffled, as he had smashed his cake and giggled in excitement at his first birthday party. His 3 year old party was at an old church turned into a playground. We didn't even attempt to sing that year. Last year, when he turned four, we practically whispered the song and he was a crying mess.
Lucky number five. We did it.
After cake, the kids ran to the go-carts, games, token machines, mini-golf, bounce was a total success. So many of our mommy friends commented on how well he did- it was an overwhelming environment for all!
Hunter wanted to open his presents badly, so as we piled in the car, all sweaty and tired from a good time, he opened his presents, one by one, with more excitement each time he opened a bag.
His party was a success because of the friends we have surrounded ourselves with. Each family so giving, so caring, so accepting, and so loving...and many that have been with us since day one of this journey.
Thank you for making his fifth birthday one to remember.
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