there's just something about the holidays...

Hunter had an amazing week at school.  His teacher sent me an email with all of the wonderful things he had done during the week:

He did things this week I’ve never seen him do before.
·         I found these old safari and farm play kits with animals, trees, props, etc. I was surprised when Hunter wanted to play the safari because he usually turns to more building games like Legos or blocks. I (of course) jumped at him raising his hand to play there so while he was there I quietly watched and listened.  I almost started crying when I heard him playing using his imagination, sharing, laughing, ENGAGING another kid. He was making up the funny things the animals were saying, he was working together, listening to other ideas and DOING what they wanted! Then the best part was when the next day I heard him asking the other friend to play with him again at the end of the day! He has NEVER played, planned and worked like that before!
·         He would also come over and let me know things that OTHER kids were doing wrong….haha!
·         When he raised his hand at the carpet…it was usually about what I was talking about NOT McQueen.
·         When I asked him to go take care of something he forgot (pushing in his chair, cleaning up) his response was, “sorry Ms. H!"
·         Monday and Tuesday our schedule was COMPLETELY off…not once did he show anything less than self-control and compliance
·         During Daily 5 reading groups I “pushed-in” with them instead of pulling for reading and he let me sit with him, listen to him read TWO books and one was unfamiliar!

But no matter how great he is doing in the school environment, the home environment, in therapy sessions...the holidays always bring stress, anxiety, and difficulty.  Hunter was up at 5 AM today, after counting down the days till Easter this week.  He had a great time finding his basket, but he started to get upset when Paige and Hunter found more eggs than him, ate too much sugar in the short time before church, and was very agitated as we sat in the back of a crowded Mass.  A neighborhood lunch and egg hunt led to more tears, yelling, and frustration.  He thought everyone was being "mean," since they knew to rush and grab eggs, as he hung back in the distance.  Even when the other kids brought him eggs, or saved some in the bushes for him, he cried and complained.  He ran back in the house, where I found him with crocodile tears running down his cheeks, holding his basket.

No matter how far we come...

No matter how great his data looks after treatments...

No matter how accommodating his siblings and friends are...

holidays will always be hard.

They will always bring anxiety, as he attempts to handle a change in his ever-important routine.

We made the most of today, and will continue to adapt some of the (traditionally) happiest days in order to keep the tears from falling- from all of our faces.
School garden under construction!

And that's our son....the tallest one in the group by far!

On their way to a field trip...and he was line leader! 
learning about the environment
and they all received their own flower!
And Easter Weekend:
waiting to find the eggs....

 Neighborhood Lunch and Egg Hunt

 cute little buddies...

and now silly faces

Then a little egg coloring...

Easter Blessings to all of our friends and family!  Much love to everyone.


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