Successful week back

Here's all of the factors:
-Off of school for 2 weeks
-NO occupational or ABA therapy
-Daddy out of town since last Saturday

I was so nervous that Monday would be a challenging day.  Even though he had a few behaviors, overall, it was a much smoother transition than after Thanksgiving break.  I needed several reinforcements as "jackpot" prizes...I don't like to think of it as bribing him- he definitely works harder when he has a reward in mind. 

So here are a few positive notes from the therapists from this week:

Hunter sat in the hall for about a minute when his mom left and then decided to go to class! Hunter listened to his teacher when she prompted him to put away his play-doh. (He was allowed to bring out his cars). He then complied with writing his name and numbers. (Hunter is starting to take his time more with writing and his tracing is looking better!)
No outside time due to weather
Hunter needed prompting not to whine or yell “no!” when offered choices for snack. Therapist reminded H that we use calm words like “please” and “no thank you”. Error corrected.
Speech therapist arrived during snack. 
Hunter POLITELY asked his speech therapist to read him another story.
Hunter had 3 cars out today and a peer wanted to play with one. The peer took a car out of Hunter’s hand and Hunter yelled to his teacher “Ms. C! He took my car!!” Ms. C reminded Hunter that he should not yell across the classroom and should first try to handle the situation himself by saying “please don’t take that”. Later, Hunter agreed to share his cars and first talked to friend before going to his teacher. Good Job Hunter! Hunter was praised by his therapist for sharing and using nice words and Hunter said “I’m being fantastic today!”
Hunter played with building toys, danced around the classroom, and asked his teacher to read him a book.
During the second center time Hunter read books, played Connect 4, and played with marbles on a number chart.
Hunter complied with working on an art project today.
Indistinguishable from peers!
Hunter enjoyed telling his friends about Christmas and Halloween. He asked his friends if they wanted to feel his ice pack.

Hunter entered the class after 15 minutes; prior to mom leaving he eloped (less than 20 feet), hit a wall, threw/kicked his folder, and hit the therapist.  After one minute break with timer, Hunter entered the class (w/o any prompting!) and completed his jobs.
Hunter had a GREAT recovery and did not elope for the rest of the day! Awesome!
Non-compliance: approximately 2 min.
Indoor recess. Therapist observed some challenging behaviors: Hunter wanted to play with only one toy, but teacher’s prompted him to play with a ball or other toy.  Hunter verbally refused, screamed, and approached the room’s exit and hit the door.  He did not elope, and after the teacher discussed the issue with him he played with a ball.  Thanks for listening to your teacher, Hunter.
Game time with music: Hunter was GREAT at participating appropriately with peers in several games (duck, duck, goose; freeze dance).  At first he danced with his teacher, but when she left he stood near peers and danced independently.  Hunter initiated conversation with peers about the movie Frozen.
Mand to peers: 100% (1/1)
Imitate: 0/hr
Initiate conversation: 6.25/hr
Respond: 100% (5/5)

He had so many funny comments this week.  One time, I was asking him a question after school and the CD "Frozen" was on- I repeated myself twice and he said, "Sorry, Mommy! Can't talk now- I'm singing!"  And one night at bedtime, we read "Sick Days," a Berenstein Bears book, where Sister Bear stays home sick.  He took one of the lines from the book and said, "Mommy, I don't feel so good."  I said the line from the book back to him, and he said, "No, Mommy! Not in your Berenstein Bears voice!  He also played "Frozen" with Peyton and I and Paige's new dolls.  Great pretend play, adding other characters, story was a huge "Take that, Autism" moment.  Hoping I can figure out how to load it on here.

Here are a few pics from the week:
getting in position at the end of the Packers, we lost:(

kids needed new play dough- and I don't go to target with all three..thank goodness for Amazon Prime!

Put up the last of our Christmas cards- love seeing our sweet friends and family

 Peyton and I had so much special one-on-one time this week.  We played every morning the kids were in school and I didn't have to work- love this sweet baby! 

End of the week- new crank launcher!
 And so exciting...Paige received an official invitation to be the flower girl in Uncle Greg and Aunt Tiffany's wedding!  She was thrilled!!!

Overall, can't complain about this week.  So much better than anticipated.  A few bumps in the road, and that single mom respect from being alone all week...needless to say, we are excited to have our daddy home tonight!


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