a little yoga, a little leaf collection, and a little santa time

This post is a hodgepodge of picture collections from the weekend.  First, Hunter has found a liking to the yoga on the Sprout channel.  It seriously cracks us up.  He stands there and says, "OK, mommy, let's make a tree."  "Stand and stretch, Mommy!"  We captured a few pictures today of the yoga masters.

deep breath in...

stretching to the side

even peyton joined in on the action
Saturday evening we had a Mass/holiday gathering at the college where Peter did his MBA.  Mass was a little different than our church...we walked in to a circular church with NO crying room.  We are used to sitting behind the (closed) doors of our church, free to walk around if we need to and contain our seldom-quiet children.  They actually all did fairly well.  It was the longest Mass of my life, just waiting for the shrieks or "I need to go potty!!" during all of the moments of silence of the traditional Mass. 

After Mass, we headed to one of the common areas that had arts and crafts, games, hot cocoa and some appetizers, as well as the big man himself.  The kids have seen Santa FOUR times now.  Paige has decided (on her own) that Santa has "helpers."  She thinks the one we saw at the mall was the true Santa.  She wasn't quite sure about this one, but he sure seemed to be a real giver...he spent several minutes with my children, hugging them and holding their hands.

Making Christmas crafts

Made a candy cane


Santa came!

"I don't want ANYTHING for Christmas."

My own little time with Santa

Pinning the nose on rudolph

He wasn't too happy with the choices in the prize bucket.

I guess I'll take a Santa Pez...

Oh wait...there's candy in there!
The kids were so excited to see Santa, but Hunter told Santa he didn't want anything for Christmas.  Paige told him that he wanted Silver McQueen...she's always watching out for her little brother.

Today we played outside, rode bikes (yesterday Hunter rode at least two miles on his own! SO excited about this gross motor progress!), and raked the rest of the leaves from our tree..in 70 degree weather.  LOVE IT!

We have been seeing such tremendous progress over the last two weeks.  Haven't done anything different, but did add a probiotic with four strains, adding beneficial bacteria for digestive health and immune system support.  One more week of school and therapy, and then a week break from it all for fun times surrounding the holidays and family. 


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