Fighting Candida (Yeast overgrowth)

We started the anti-fungals  2 1/2 weeks ago, with a combination of an antibiotic for the parasite, as well as probiotics to replace the bad bacteria   Just for those who don't know, Dr. B is a pediatrician, but also a doctor of homeopathy who practices the Defeat Autism Now! (DAN) treatment approach. DAN doctors look for underlying medical issues that may be triggering autistic symptoms and remedy them primarily through supplements and dietary changes.  I read that the anti-yeast drug might temporarily trigger some problematic symptoms as Hunter's body adjusted to the new medication, but the treatment was vital, because an overgrowth of yeast often leads to inflammation of the bowels and other medical conditions that could potentially fuel autistic behaviors.  Plus, the parasite was taking all of the nutrients that he needed to function.  If any of us had a parasite, we would feel the effects...lethargy, low motivation, fogginess.  Our bodies are fueled by the food groups that we feed it daily.  How many times have you heard, "It does a body good."  It is not just a DAN approach- it is a proven practice year after year, with every good doctor preaching the importance of healthy eating. 

Here is his testing from Dr. B:

The red "H" indicates high- several components of yeast were in the abnormally high range.  The last picture shows his nutritional need.  Unfortunately, there were several key nutrients that he was missing (and it could partly be due to malabsorption,possibly from the parasite).  We are supplementing with a heavy duty VitaSpec- capsules that we mix into a drink. 
We are seeing fewer behaviors, but on the flipside, each behavior that is observed has become more aggressive and forceful.  Door slamming has actually decreased, but he had one BIG slam this weekend that left a nice hole in our wall (had to be a wall with a stopper that wasn't up to par).  He has hit his therapists, his teachers, and Peter and I.  He has never hit a sibling or a friend.  A few weeks ago, it appeared that he couldn't control the movements.  This week, it seems to be intentional and almost contemplated. 
I spent some time researching Candida (yeast) die-off.  The general public can experience die-off symptoms, due to the fact that when the yeast dies, it releases toxins into the body.  It appears to be even more magnified for a child with a weakened immune system. "Die-off (rapid dying of gut bugs, leading to excess release of toxins) of massive quantities of yeast and bacteria can be physically hard on the body. That much dead or dying stuff flying around can wreak havoc so it’s common that we see a negative reaction, before a good reaction when starting yeast treatment. This is also called a “Herkshimer” reaction, a massive die off of pathogens" (TACA website). Here is an article from the FOOD MATTERS site:
"A healthy immune system keeps Candida in balance with the other micro-organisms in the mucous membranes but under certain conditions it begins to overgrow and get out of control. The causes of immune system dysfunction are varied and complex, but antibiotics are the biggest culprits because they wipe out friendly micro-organisms, in the digestive system. Because Candida is resistant to antibiotics the imbalance of micro-organisms allows it to take over. It begins to change its shape and starts to overgrow; raising large families called colonies.

These colonies excrete toxins that circulate throughout the body further weakening the immune system and creating havoc throughout the body. The Candida produces very long root-like structures that penetrate intestinal walls leaving microscopic holes which allows toxins, undigested food particles, bacteria and yeast to enter the bloodstream. This condition is known as the “Leaky Gut Syndrome”, which causes food allergies and many health problems. These root-like structures also causes considerable damage to the walls of the intestines resulting in malabsorption of nutrients.

Adding to the problem of malabsorption are nutritional deficiencies that also weaken the immune system. Today’s standard diet lacks the necessary nutrients to maintain a healthy immune system. It is loaded with sugar, carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils and fats (trans-fats), white flour products, processed foods, food additives, preservatives, pesticides, and heavy metals. This, in addition to foods being irradiated (exposed to high levels of radiation to extend shelf life), and being grown in nutrient depleted soil, long storage and transportation time, and improper handling, cooking and microwaving that goes on in most homes, further depletes nutrients available. All of these factors contribute to a weakened immune system."

I go back to the "Leaky Gut no longer Crazy Talk" article and believe so deeply in the biomedical treatment that we are currently pursuing for Hunter.  For children who are born with Autism, those who did not have a significant event that triggered regression, there may be no validity to these methods.  But for children, like mine, who are suffering from an autoimmune disorder, resulting in behaviors that are strong enough to be defined by a diagnosis on the spectrum, it just makes plain sense. 

So even though I may be a granola eating, label-reading, supplement carrying, non-food dye/imitation product mama who might get the raised eyebrow, or the rolled eyes,  but I can justify our decisions with data to prove that these changes DO make a difference. 

We will continue to avoid toxins that are not necessary, and, well, really not good for anyone...not just children on the spectrum. 



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