Snow Day(s) continued...

After a few days of ice, we were excited to see this white stuff on the ground!  

 The kids actually had school, but we received a message for an optional pick-up at 1:30.  I skipped Peyton's nap and picked the kids up so we could play in the snow!

 This little man was NOT excited about going outside with a jacket, hat, and gloves...but once he was out there, he was giddy with excitement.  I told him it only snows a few times a year, so he better enjoy it while it lasted!
 I was able to get him outside by telling him to throw snowballs at me.
And so this little man had to join him...

 Nothing like beach buckets in the snow!  

Snow angels!
 Hunter was SO funny...he saw Peyton's snow angel, and he said, "OK....Mommy, watch this...."  He sat down, and with those little arms flapping, he did a few snow angels!  It was awesome!

 More snow pail fun

 After everyone started getting cold and wet, we came in..and here was the aftermath.  I actually felt bad for my own mother- growing up in WI, we must have overwhelmed her with winter laundry!
 Hunter took a break to work on legos- he rebuilt Paige's beach house, almost on his own!
 When Daddy got home early from work, it was round two.  We found doubles of hats, gloves, jackets, etc...and they went out to play again!

 Snowman Number One
Getting ready to start a snowball fight
And then, Peyton decided to sneak attack Paige with a snowball on the head.  Ha!
Neighborhood Fun!

Took another break to set up a spy on mommy unit 
 Day Two....more snow!  Backyard fun this time...

 And Snowman #2

 More Ice bucket building

 That night, we went to church, picked up dinner, put our jammies on, and had a dinner/movie night with Big Hero Six.  Hunter was tired, and was talking non-stop throughout the movie.  I thought he wasn't paying any attention, but at one point, when the main character's brother dies in the midst of a big science fair/career, Hunter turned to me and said, "Do you think he can do it on his own now?"  I was so surprised that he comprehended the movie semantics, when I thought he wasn't even watching.
That little man was tired, though....about thirty minutes before the end, we looked over and saw this precious boy asleep.  

One more week before IVIG #10.  Say some prayers for us all!


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