Research, research, and more research

I was headed to bed last night around 9:30 and I opened the google search for "PANDAS and AUTISM."  Big mistake.  Needless to say, I went to bed around midnight.  I traveled from site to site, documenting research and comparing notes.  Found a few noteworthy things...

**Unrelated to searching about zinc, one doctor had posted the following: "Zinc is critical in fighting infections."  So regardless of the origin of the virus that we suspected to have played a role in Hunter's development, his zinc needs to be at an appropriate level, which we determined was ciritically low in the latest NutrEval. 

** 3CAJFK2HNCA0ZSFCICAL4OJPKCAOKHK5JCAITCPQSCAKWZ6O8CAON2HSQCACB9J6GCA8QEO1MCAFZXP23CARVKUHACAVRM6ZHCA7AWUOFCAPCNJYTCAJFJYP8CAN1046RCA3847ZOCAQAMRECCA9P7ZS3CAIGUD0M Thought this was interesting as well.  From  So many of the symptoms of Autism overlap with the symptoms of PANDAS.  For Hunter, our biggest challenges now are the anxiety, the perserveration and the OCD tendencies.  We actually have had more aggression with him over the past few months- only here at home, but enough to cause concern. 

**Several sites debated the efficacy of the antibiotic when PANDAS was suspected.  One thing I found very interesting was that several doctors and parents defended the anti-inflammatory antibiotic for this area.  They said research has shown that it cuts down on the inflammation of the brain, allowing it to function to the best of its ability.

**From MedlinePlus, an online medical encyclopedia, I researched the Anti-DNase B, the blood test that Hunter had to determine if strep was present.  This is what they reported:

Normal Results

A negative test is normal. This means:
  • Adults: less than 85 units/mL
  • School-age children: less than 170 units/mL
  • Preschool children: less than 60 units/mL
Note: Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.
The examples above show the common measurements for results for these tests. Some laboratories use different measurements or may test different specimens.

What Abnormal Results Mean

Increased levels of DNase B levels may indicate:
Hunter's results were 82 (mildly elevated).  I have kept a in-depth timeline of his medical history, documenting every trip to the doctor, each antibiotic he has been prescribed and the dosage, and any historical event that I thought was pertinent to his health.  I had started this since his birth, prior to any issues that arose.  When I reviewed his chart last night, he did have two repeat strep infections in October and November of 2010, but has not been treated for strep since then.  According to several web sites I have been to (accredited sites), the titer would be high if there was a strep infection within the past few months. 

Still waiting to hear from our pediatrician- she called last night while I was working, so I am hoping to speak with her today regarding starting the antibiotic or not. 

Again, this could not be the end all be all- but we are exploring all options.  Something in my mommy gut is telling me to keep pushing to find the answer.  An answer that may never be found, but it's worth the hunt to see my son's eyes come completely alive again.


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