Christmas Adventures


We were packed by Sunday morning, bags were set by the door, ready to go...the endless snack and treat bag was piled high with goodies and drinks to entertain the kids on the flight.  Our children are seasoned fliers.  It makes me chuckle a little bit when I see the looks and darting eyes, exclaiming silently, "PLEASE DON'T SIT BY ME!"  We really haven't ever had an issue on a flight, besides the return flight from WI when this journey began, in which Hunter screamed the last thirty minutes of the flight. 

Paige's class pet, "San Francisco" traveled everywhere with us.

We arrived early, around 9 AM CA time, and found Grandpa Don waiting for us outside the elevators.  Peyton said, "Santa!" as he looked at Grandpa's red hat.  The kids were absolute angels on the flight, but they were tuckered out and 2/3 fell asleep on the drive to our friends' house that where we were staying for the week.  Our best friends from college/high school were in WI for the week, and graciously offered their home for us while we were in town.  We met Grandma Sue at the house and Peyton took a little nap and we settled in before heading to the first family event, seeing Great-Grandpa Ed.  Such a fun night!  Grandparents hold such a special place in my heart, as I embraced my relationship with my Grandma Maggie.  Great-grandpa Ed is the only great-grandparent our children have, and how special it was to see them interact and explore his house

Hunter had a long day and was a little irritable by the end of dinner, but all in all, he did well with the amount of people at the house.  Here's a few pictures...

great-grandpa and the dancing turtle

grandpa don playing cars memory

father and son

The rest of the week was filled with Christmas Day excitement, including Santa gifts, a enormous present giving/receiving at Peter's aunt's house with so many family members present, a trip to downtown San Francisco, and more family gatherings.  We had such a great time, and Hunter did exceptionally well with all of the transitions, change, and amount of people.  Thank you to everyone for making it a holiday to remember!


My own tablet!

playing choo choos with grandpa

Breakfast with grandma

Christmas morning madness!

Kids were loving Chico

needed a little nap

How many place settings can you fit at one very long table?

Family pic
 Headed to the city....

Love this!

pay phones?  what are those??

riding the BART

My favorite it

walking around the city in style
Silver and gold man were interesting for our kids:)

The police let the kids sit on his motorcycle

stopped in the bank

Riding the cable cars

hanging out with cousins Meghan and Katie

movie night with all the kids...and the owl

cued "hands in pockets." love it
gluten free cupcakes at the airport...only in CA


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