Fridays are busy days. We have the district program, followed by 45 mintues of occupational therapy, and then a thirty minute private swim lesson. We have been missing lessons the last couple of weeks due to illness, teacher illness, and teacher trainings. So glad to be back in the water...and his carryover was phenominal. Here is the longest I have seen him swim, using "big arms," to the edge of the pool. I was the crazy cheerleader mom in the stands. Slow day at the Y, so don't think I made too much of a spectacle.
Friday afternoon was spent building legos...almost all by himself! Love that he sat for a task and COMPLETED it. Huge progress.
Not sure why this uploaded sideways...but he built this all by himself...just a little guidance! |

We didn't have any scheduled plans this weekend, besides me working a bit on Sunday. It was so nice to get up, take our time with homemade waffles for breakfast, and play/target a few of our goals. Ms. Gina emphasized the importance of strengthening his fingers for the fine motor tasks that he struggles with in school. They are difficult for him to accomplish, so he gets frustrated and doesn't have an interest in completing his work. We focused on scissor cutting, drawing, and coloring this weekend.
Hunter has been doing such a great job with the BOB books...and they aren't memorized, which was happening with his sight word books in ABA therapy. Paige helped him with the higher level this weekend.
One of Hunter's favorite things to do is to print off pictures from our has several character themed online coloring pages and scissor activities. Hunter chose Team Umizoomi and even though he complained and didn't want to finish the task, he cut out all his "super shapes" and made a rocket. Daddy did have to hold the paper for him, because he hasn't quite grasped the dual activity.

Later that morning, we took a quick trip to Barnes and Noble to get some new books. Paige had a gift card from her birthday to spend, and we told Hunter he had earned one book from his hard work that morning. Not a bribe when you provide the reward after the task has been completed. :)
Even Peyton had been curled up in Paige's bed reading a story, so we thought it would be a fun activity for all.
The kids ran to the children's section, and everyone picked out their own books. Hunter picked ONE story, didn't throw a fit when I told him to put the others back, and walked with the family to the register. Peter and I kept looking at each other, waiting for the outburst to occur, like it usually does when it is time to leave the bookstore...but miraculously, nothing happened.

So Hunter picked out a Thomas book that I started reading to the kids after we put Peyton down for a nap. In the story, it says Percy went, "Poop poop." I looked up at the kids and they both burst into laughter. Even I had to re-read that page to make sure that Percy didn't say his usual "peep peep." Now I should have probably stopped the reaction quicker, but honestly, I was so enjoying seeing the kids roll on the floor, belly laughing together, that I couldn't stop and I probably read it over a few too many times. Hopefully Hunter's teachers didn't hear "poop poop," followed by relentless laughter, this whole week in school.

It must be the month for class pets in our house, because we were given a second class pet on Friday after his district program. This dog, named "Buddy," joined us for some fun this weekend as well. Instead of taking pictures, the children were supposed to draw a picture of themselves and Buddy. I was so impressed with not only this drawing, but his name writing. Thank you teachers and therapists! I have only had him practicing on the chalkboard at home, and I could not believe the difference in his handwriting skills from a couple of months ago when I baselined him until now. Such tremendous growth for him.

He even did an 'r'!!! I was floored. I always had done hand over hand...and he did this completely on his own.
Paige had an impressive report card, and we have continued a tradition that my parents started with us..we celebrated at the restaurant of her choice. She wanted to go to the Rainforest Cafe. We had gone there previously the last two years for Paige's birthday, and it was very difficult for Hunter to handle. The restaurant was
Watching the alligator...scared little Peyton! |
The talking tree |
Daddy feeding the tree for laughs |
Trying to find a "secret door" |
Daddy surprised mommy with this cutie all dressed up. |
Waiting patiently for food |
The balloon lady came to our table! |
haha..this picture was for the immature mommy and daddy who were cracking up.
Our wait time to be seated was 45 minutes. Hunter, and the other two, did a great job waiting patiently and walking around the entertaining store. Not one outburst from Hunter, even as we walked past all of the toys available for purchase. Dinner was ordered quickly, but the jungle sounds started intermittently throughout the meal. Last time we were there, about a year ago, Hunter covered his ears each time and screamed at the top of his lungs. I actually can vividly remember him bolting from the table several times as well. This time, not ONE issue. When the animals started yelling, he looked at me and told me it was loud, and went right back to reading his books. Peter and I were so happy we had a recollection of the baseline, and we cheered to the progress that was so evident.
After the restaurant, Paige wanted to ride the train. It is a seven minute ride down the mall, with a pretty hefty price tag. I decided to sit this one out and be the crazy photographer mom following the caboose.
What a weekend. So many great activities, and so many moments of normalcy! I live for those moments when I forget that we have a special needs child and life seems relatively manageable. His face is lit up in these pictures...and his smile is wide.
My beautiful son, knocking down the Autism barrels one by one.
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