Lab updates=questions

At Hunter's four-year check-up, our pediatrician recommended re-running his labs to see if the strep count had increased or decreased.  I also had been concerned with how easily he seems to fatigue, so she ran a thyroid as well as lyme, since that had come up in previous conversations.  Here are his results:

Strep: Decreased to 76 (below 77 is considered normal)- still on the high end of normal. 
HHV igg went from 8.46 to 1.43
Lyme: All negative
Thryoid tests:  All normal functioning

Still not sure why his strep would be slightly elevated, since he hasn't had strep since the first infection.  One thing that has been on my mind is that he never finished that original antibiotic, since he had a reaction to it (full body rash).  We stopped all antiobiotics- so did it ever truly clear? 

My mind is constantly in question- have we done the right testing?  Have we done too much?  Is he receiving the appropriate therapy-and if so, the right amount of hours?  Do we have enough time before his brain loses some of its plasticity?

Trying to avoid the three letter word that is always a question. 

W-H-Y...these three letters will not be strong enough to overtake this momma's focus.


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